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Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act (AODA)

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) was designed to create accessibility for all Ontarians with disabilities in respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodations, employment, and buildings by January 1, 2025. The legislation applies to organizations in Ontario which provide services to the public directly, or to other businesses or organizations in Ontario.


MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to providing an accessible environment for all clients, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and visitors who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our services. As an organization, we respect and comply with the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and its associated regulations. We strive to provide an accessible and welcoming environment for everyone by identifying and removing barriers in our workplace and ensuring that new barriers are not created. The company ensures that persons with disabilities are provided with equal opportunities. We are committed to meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely and integrative manner that respects their dignity and independence.

This Accessibility Policy is posted on our website and will be made available in an alternative format upon request.


  1. Customer Service Standard

MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to providing accessible facilities in accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. We believe that whether a person’s disability is apparent or not, everyone should be treated with courtesy and have their needs respected when they interact with our employees.

The Use of Assistive Devices

Assistive devices are any type of technical aid, communication device or other instrument that is used to maintain or improve the functional abilities of persons with disabilities. Examples would be items such as wheelchairs, walkers, hearing devices, oxygen tanks, etc.

MVA Stratford Inc. will ensure that all employees are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by any person with a disability who is visiting, working in, or contacting our facility. If the use of an assistive device causes any health and safety concerns, alternate measures will be taken to ensure any person with a disability is still able to visit and/or work in our facility.

The Use of Guide Dogs and Service Animals

Guide dogs are dogs that have successfully completed the training program at one of the designated facilities listed under the Blind Person’s Rights Act, Ontario Regulation 58.

Service animals are animals used by a person with a disability if:

  • it can be readily identified as one that is being used by the person for reasons relating to the person’s disability, as a result of visual indicators, such as a vest or harness work by the animal, or
  • The person provides documentation from a designated regulated health professional confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to a disability.

Any person with a disability may bring their guide dog or service animal into areas open to the public, unless the animal is excluded by law.

If it is not readily apparent that the animal is a guide dog or service animal, MVA Stratford reserves the right to ask whether the animal is a guide dog or service animal, but may not ask that nature of the person’s disability.

Any person who is accompanied by a guide dog or service animal is responsible for maintaining control of the animal at all times.

The Use of Support Persons

Support person is, in relation to a person with a disability, another person who accompanies them to help with communication, mobility, personal care, medical needs, or access to goods, services, and facilities.

MVA Stratford Inc. will ensure both the individual with the disability and the support person can enter the premises together and the person with the disability will not be prevented from having access to the support person. In situations where confidential information might need to be discussed, consent will be obtained from the person with the disability.

MVA Stratford Inc. may require a person with a disability to be accompanied by a support person while on the premises if the support person is required to protect the health and safety of the person with the disability or others in the workplace. The company will consult with the person with the disability before making such a decision.

Notice of Temporary Disruptions

MVA Stratford Inc. will make all reasonable efforts to provide notice of any temporary disruptions to services or assistive devices that a person with disabilities relies on to contact, visit, or work in our facility. The following information will be provided regarding the disruption as soon as it is known:

  • Service or assistive device that is disrupted or unavailable;
  • Reason for the disruption;
  • Expected duration; and
  • Alternative options available.

This information will be distributed in the most effective manner possible, depending on the disruption. Methods of distribution may include: postings at the point or disruption, email, or notice on our company website.


MVA Stratford Inc. supplies all new employees with our AODA policy as a general overview of the requirements to help us achieve our accessibility goals. We also provide different levels of training to employees based on their position within the company. At minimum, training includes:

  • A review of the purpose of theAccessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005;
  • A review of the requirements of the customer service standards;
  • Instructions on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
  • Instructions on how to interact with people with disabilities whouse assistive devices or require the assistance of a guide dog or other service animal or a support person;
  • Instructions on how to use equipment or devices that are available at our premises or that we provide that may help people with disabilities;
  • Instructions on what to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing our services; and
  • Policies, procedures, and practices of the company pertaining to providing accessible customer service to customers with disabilities.

Training is provided as soon as possible after hiring, and every three (3) years, or whenever there are updates and/or changes to our Accessibility Policy or Multi Year Accessibility Plan.

MVA Stratford Inc. keeps a record of training which includes the date the training was completed and to whom.

Feedback Process

Questions or concerns regarding MVA Stratford Inc.’s Accessibility Policy and Multi-year Accessibility Plan should be directed as follows:

  • By email to
  • By telephoning the company at 519-275-2203
  • In person at 753 Ontario Street, Stratford, ON N5A 7Y2 – Monday through Friday during our business hours, 8:00am – 4:30pm.


  1. Information & Communications Standard

MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to providing information and communications to all in an accessible format or manner that meets their needs. The company will provide or arrange an accessible format for persons with disabilities upon request and in a timely manner. Any person requesting an accessible format, should contact our company through our Feedback Process.

Accessible formats may include large print, recorded audio and electronic formats, braille, and other formats usable by persons with disabilities.

Accessible Public Information

Brochures and any other MVA Stratford Inc. information will be made accessible when requested.

Accessible Website

Current website content will be made more accessible, as requested. This is posted on our website, so anyone viewing it can make the request. MVA Stratford Inc. ensures that our website conforms to the World Wide Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standards as required by the IASR to enable accessible information and communication online.

Unconvertible Information or Communications

Information or communications are classified as unconvertible where it is not technically practicable to convert them, or the technology required to make the conversion is not readily available. If MVA Stratford Inc. determines that information or communications are unconvertible, the company provides the individual who made the request with an explanation as to why and a summary of the information or communications.


  1. Employment Standard


Accommodations are available from the beginning of the recruitment process. MVA Stratford Inc. job postings include a statement that we accommodate the needs of people with disabilities when requested, and those individuals should make us aware of their requirements ahead of time. When an applicant requests an accommodation, the company will consult with the applicant and provide or arrange for suitable accommodation.


MVA Stratford Inc. will communicate our accessibility policies upon hiring and any time there are changes to the policies. We will create documented accommodation plans for employees with disabilities and will help employees with disabilities to return to work. Accommodation plans may include, but are not limited to: arranging accessible formats and/or communication supports, individualized emergency response plans, modifying work tasks, etc.

MVA Stratford Inc. will develop return to work plans for employees who have been absent from work and require reasonable accommodation to return to work.


  1. Design of Public Spaces Standard

MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to ensuring that public spaces are accessible to everyone.

Accessible Parking

MVA Stratford Inc will ensure that any newly constructed or redeveloped parking areas will include accessible parking spaces for people with disabilities.

This policy will be updated as needed to meet the ongoing changes to the AODA requirements.

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan


MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to providing an accessible environment for all clients, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and visitors who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our services. As an organization, we respect and comply with the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and its associated regulations. We strive to provide an accessible and welcoming environment for everyone by identifying and removing barriers in our workplace and ensuring that new barriers are not created. The company ensures that persons with disabilities are provided with equal opportunities. We are committed to meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely and integrative manner that respects their dignity and independence.

This plan is reviewed and updated at least once every 5 years.

This Multi-Year Accessibility Plan is posted on our website and will be made available in an alternative format upon request.



Customer Service

By January 1, 2012, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Trained employees on how to service all persons with disabilities who visit or work in our facility
  • Continued to welcome all persons with disabilities who use assistive devices, service animals, and/or support persons into public areas of our facility
  • Had an accessibility policy in place so our employees and customers know what to expect with regards to AODA
  • Will provide reasonable notice where unplanned disruptions affect the accessibility to our facility

By January 1, 2015, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Had a process in place for receiving and responding to feedback regarding our AODA policies and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
  Information and Communications

By January 1, 2012, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Had an evacuation plan in place, which included individualized evacuation plans, if required
  • Provided brochures and other company information in an accessible format, when requested

By January 1, 2014, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Provided current website information in an accessible format, when requested
  • Made all attempts for any significant website updates to meet the accessibility requirements

By January 1, 2016, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Made emergency and public information, employee and public feedback, employee information, and other public information accessible, when requested

By January 31, 2024, MVA Stratford Inc.:

    Had our AODA policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan posted on our website

By January 1, 2016, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • All job postings included a statement that we will accommodate people with disabilities, as requested
  • Provided accessible workplace information whenever an employee with a disability asked for it
  • Communicated our accessibility policy upon hiring and any time there were changes to the policies
  • Developed a process for creating documented accommodation plans for employees with disabilities
  • Aided employees with disabilities with a return to work

By January 1, 2015, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Provided training on the requirements that apply to their job duties and to our facility
Accessibility Policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan By January 1, 2014, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Had policies in place to help achieve our accessibility goals
  • Advised employees and customers of the assistance available

By January 1, 2015, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Had created a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

By January 31, 2024, MVA Stratford Inc.:

  • Reviewed and updated our Accessibility for Ontarians Disabilities Act policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan,
  • >Had our AODA policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan posted on our website


Customer Service

MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to providing accessible facilities in accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. We believe that whether a person’s disability is apparent or not, everyone should be treated with courtesy and have their needs respected when they interact with our employees.


By December 31, 2026, MVA Stratford Inc will review our Accessibility Policy and update, as needed.

By December 31, 2028, MVA Stratford Inc will review our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, and make any updates as needed.

By December 31, 2026, MVA Stratford Inc will look into the installation of a swing door operator system, for our 2 main entrances.

  Information and Communications

MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to providing information and communications to all in an accessible format or manner that meets their needs.

By December 31, 2026, MVA Stratford Inc. will have our ERP system (PLEX) set up for employees to request time off and make some changes to their employee profile.


MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.

By December 31, 2026, MVA Stratford Inc will create and/or update our Return to Work (RTW) policy, employee accommodation planning process, and emergency response plan to include individualized plans for employees with disabilities.


MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to providing training in the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities.

MVA Stratford Inc. will continue to supply AODA training to newly hired employees and refresher training to all employees every 3 years, or more frequently when there are changes to our AODA policies and/or procedures. Training records will continue to be kept and maintained by the Human Resources department.

By December 31, 2026 MVA Stratford will review and implement a variety of training methods to ensure accessible methods are available. This may include online training, in-person training sessions, etc.

Design of Public Spaces

MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to ensuring that public spaces are accessible to everyone.


By December 31, 2026, MVA Stratford Inc will review the need to upgrade the parking lot. When this upgrade layout is created, we will ensure that entry to our facility is as accessible as possible. This may include: parking spots designated near the main entrance(s), ramps at the main entrance(s), and any other accessible features that MVA Stratford Inc. deems necessary.

Self-Service Kiosks

MVA Stratford Inc. is committed to incorporating accessibility features and considering accessibility for people with disabilities when designing, procuring, or acquiring self-service kiosks.

By December 31, 2026, MVA Stratford will create self-service kiosks for employees to request time off, access their paystubs online, etc. We will include signage at the kiosks that employees who require accommodation should see Human Resources.